CRAZEDpilot is a headset manufacturer that provides a variety of different aviation headset prices for rock-bottom prices. The CRAZEDpilot CP-1 ANR and CP-1 Passive headsets builds upon the ultra-cheap CP-1 passive headset by adding ANR and an aux input jack. What is unexpected is that this headset innovates in a few creative ways while retaining an incredibly cheap price.
CRAZEDpilot CP-1 Headset Features
Both variants of the CP-1 headset offer the following features:
- Stereo / mono mode.
- Dual-speaker volume controls.
- Locking mic boom.
- 1-year warranty.
- Twin-GA (PJ) and helicopter U-174 connector options.
The CRAZEDpilot CP-1 ANR version builds also includes these features:
- Active noise reduction powered by a 9V battery with up to 48 hours of battery life.
- Automatic ANR on/off which enables when the headset is plugged into the aircraft.
- Auxiliary music / phone input jack.
CRAZEDpilot CP-1 Review
The CRAZEDpilot CP-1 is a fairly standard pair of headsets that retail at amazingly low prices. In looks and features, they are very similar to the popular David Clark H10 headset, but cost 1/3 the price. The features we particularly like are the locking mic boom, which allows you to set the mic boom and forget about it without having to worry about it moving around in flight. We also like the dual-volume adjustment knobs built into the earcups.
One interesting unique feature to the CP-1 comes with the ANR variant. The ANR headset uses feedback from your airplane’s intercom or radio systems to know when it should be on. This is a pretty neat way to make an ANR headset behave almost exactly like a passive headset. It should also eliminate issues with forgetting to shut the headset off and coming back to the plane with dead batteries. I do wish they still provided an on/off switch, though. It is always nice to have redundancy in case something fails – for example what happens if the circuitry that detects the intercom doesn’t work with your plane?

The CRAZEDpilot CP-1 ANR uses cushy, foam-backed earcups.
The CRAZEDpilot CP-1 inherits the David Clark H10’s primary problem: earcups that require high clamping pressure to get a good seal to attenuate noise. This clamping pressure can get painful after long periods of wearing the headset. As a result, it’s tough to recommend this headset for pilots who fly lots of long cross-countries. For student pilots and as a pair of backup headsets, though, they may be one of the best on the market.
I have heard several reports of users receiving CP-1 headsets that were dead on arrival or that quickly failed after a few short flights. In all cases I have heard of, CRAZEDpilot has replaced the headset with a functional one, but this doesn’t give me a lot of confidence in their build quality. As a result, I find it hard to recommend the CP-1 for pilots who are going to log some serious seat time – this headset is probably better suited for the occasional pilot or as a backup.
The CRAZEDpilot CP-1 is an astoundingly cheap but competitive headset. If you are looking at passives, chances are you are on a budget. If you’re on a budget, you simply will not find anything cheaper than the CP-1 unless you go to the used market. The same goes for the ANR model – these are hands down the cheapest ANR headset we know about. Cheapness aside, they are not bad headphones. They will do the job of attenuating cockpit noise and helping you clearly communicate with your passengers and ATC. It is a no-frills experience, but for new-comers looking to save some money for their training, this is a good option.